How to steal cars: be careful


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How to steal cars: be careful

31.03.2019 Car It is important to know Tips 0

In the developed countries of Europe, the number of car thefts is gradually decreasing. On the one hand, this is facilitated by modern methods of protecting vehicles, and on the other, by the well-being of citizens. At the legislative level, there is a serious responsibility for such offenses. But this does not mean that the illegal seizure of cars is completely absent.

Attackers resort to different methods of theft, depending on the brand of the car and its year of manufacture. Consider them separately.

Car theft: applied methods

Each car owner should take care of the safety of the property, because thieves do not use obvious ways to hijack, among which are some of the most common.

1. Code selection for signaling

Most often this applies to fairly expensive car brands: BMW, Audi, VW, etc. To gain access to the salon using special equipment. It can consist of a self-made microcircuit or belongs to professional expensive “lotion”. The signal that is transmitted from the key fob when closing the door is intercepted. The presence of an alarm in this case only simplifies auto theft.


To protect themselves from this type of theft, it is necessary to apply additional devices that will not allow an attacker to start the car. One of these acts is a secret toggle switch, shutting off the fuel supply to the engine or electricity to important controls.

2. Tricks

It is enough to lure the driver out of the car to quickly get hold of her. Different options are applied: from beautiful girls asking for a route or repairing a car on the side of the road to plastic bottles tucked under the wing. The main goal is to make a person get out of the car, while not drowning it. At the right moment, the thief just sits in the salon and leaves.


To prevent the theft of a car from happening, you must always take the ignition keys with you and jam the vehicle.

3. Hacking methods

Recently, it has become quite popular, because expensive cars are simply “stuffed” with electronics, responsible for important mechanisms. Technical progress aims to simplify the lives of car owners, but there are situations that suggest the opposite. By connecting to the diagnostic connector, you can force the auto to follow the necessary commands.


Here will help simple tips related to the creation of a secret toggle switch.

4. Hacking keyless entry

Some new and used cars are equipped with keyless access, which simplifies their use. Fraudsters work on a proven scheme, when one of the attackers is in close proximity to the owner with a key, and the second is standing near the vehicle. Special equipment reads the code, and the machine opens.


There are several ways to protect against this method of hijacking: install an additional alarm system, use mechanical gearshift paddles, pedals.

Due to the large number of ways to seize someone else’s car, you should be careful and follow the safety rules. Preliminary check on the hijacking before purchase must be performed, despite the brand of car and the documents submitted.

The easiest way to make sure of legal purity is to check the car by VIN code. As a result of the work of our specialists, a full report is provided that reflects the basic information about the vehicle: real mileage, the fact of theft, participation in an accident, repair history, legal status and other factual data. This service enjoys good popularity, despite the improvement of security systems.

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